Under each question tab at the top of the page, you will find information on that topic, as well as some guiding discussion questions. Please post your thoughts, feelings, reactions - and then reply directly to one another. This is your space to create. To support one another. To find your own path to healing. To co-create a community that can guide you. To make this a safe forum, please review the limitations of service and the community forum guidelines below and check that you have read, and understand these parameters. Thank you!
LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE: This online forum is monitored by confidential, professional staff. However, staff will only be checking forum discussion comments occasionally, and only during business hours. For this reason, this is not an appropriate place to access urgent support. This forum is not meant to be a replacement for professional services, such as therapy or Advocacy - and should be utilized in conjunction with other support services to assist you in your healing. After-hours phone-counseling is available 24/7 at (805) 893-4411. In emergency situations, you should call 911 or 9-911 if calling from a campus phone. In the interest of providing responsible responses to your comments or questions through this forum, administrators/consultants (Advocates, psychologists, and/or psychiatrists) may consult with other confidential health care providers. In the case where we sense that a users life may be in imminent danger, we may break confidentiality to contact law enforcement.
Community Forum Guidelines:
Please remain anonymous and respect the anonymity of other students on this site
Please be kind, respectful, and patient in your comments to other survivors
Do not share your access of this site with anyone that has not been referred to it by a campus professional
If you find something triggering, disrespectful, or problematic - please contact one of the site moderators or call the 24/7 CAPS line for support: 805-893-4411
If we feel that anyone’s participation is not following any of these guidelines they will not be allowed continued access to the site. Thank you for your engagement in our forum. We are excited to have you support one another in this way.